Thank Yous
I have gotten away from my list of thank yous. That is what happens when we allow life to interfere with our conversations with GOD.
- Thank YOU, GOD for answering the prayers of friends suffering from breast cancer.
- Thank YOU, GOD for answering the prayers of friends who are in mourning.
Thank YOU, GOD for answering the prayers of friends who are in transition.
- Thank YOU, GOD for answering the prayers of friends need to see your clear direction.
- Thank YOU, GOD for answering the prayers of friends who've recently become parents both naturally and through adoption.
- Thank YOU, GOD for parents willing to give their babies a new life by giving them to others.
- Thank YOU, GOD for friends who follow YOU totally and follow no matter where you lead.
I am also thankful for the opportunity to tell my husband Happy 29th Father's Day.
I am thankful for an earthly Father, who has been in heaven for13 years, for loving me almost as unconditionally as my Heavenly Father.
I am thankful for the work ethic, compassion and honesty he instilled in me and hope I honor his memory every day.
I am thankful that he allowed me wings and a net.
I am thankful that he respected my marriage and my commitment to my husband.
I am thankful that he was always real and never hid behind a mask.
I am thankful that he faced his death sentence (lung cancer) with grace and perseverance. Teaching me that it isn't always about how you live but how you die.
I am thankful that he always said "I Love You."
He was my teacher, my hero, my standard and my fail safe for so many years. I look forward to seeing him again. I pray that I will be as good a mother as he was a daddy.
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