About Me
Nicknamed "The Queen"
ELASTIGIRL-- can handle any task, be it saving the world or raising three feisty kids. Her streching ability can get her out of tight situations, but more importantly, it is her ability to stay calm and think things through that really saves the day.
In 2004 I was given the opportunity to travel to China. This was the culmination of a lifelong dream of mine. As long as I can remember I've had an affinity for China and her people. This culture has captured my imagination for years. To be given the chance to travel there as part of a Fine Arts group was incredible. This event in my life was totally orchestrated by the LORD from finances to limited jet lag to meeting someone living in China with whom I went to college!!
If you recognize the bracelet in the following picture, you will know the main reason of our trip. If you don't recognize the bracelet and would like more information about its significance, please contact me. I would be honored to shared the meaning. This was truly a life changing trip for not only those we went to see, but within our own group as well.
Escaped from the wilderness to the promised land. Found my Prince Charming, became the Queen of Everything.Gave birth to the world's cutest blonde trombone player and work as a Frat House mom.
I've been married since 1989 to my incredible husband, who brought with him my beautiful daughter. We have a teenage son. Our daughter and son-in-law blessed us with a granddaughter in 2005.
Grew up in the Mississippi Delta.
Gradualted with a BFA in Interior Design from Delta State University.
Move to Texas in 1984 and haven't looked back yet.
I've worked as an Interior Designer, Program Director for a non-profit, and for the last, almost 20 years, as an assistant to the greatest Worship Pastor! God does indeed move in mysterious ways!!!
Another Alter Ego

Because somedays you just can't be toooooo flexible.
Dream Come True