The NEW bed

OK, Keith and I have needed a new mattress for a while. So, we went shopping.  Knowing that mattress size (height) had increased in the 13 years since our last purchase, we knew that the height of our bed would increase.  We bought new sheets and waited for delivery. 

Now, we have an antique iron bed that belonged to my grandparents and my parents. It's probably my only sentimental piece of furniture. It's only full-size, but I can't bring myself to purchase another one. Suffice it to say, the base of our bed starts off around 15 inches off the ground.

The delivery men arrived and carted out the old set. As they are getting ready to place the mattress on the box springs, one of them states, "Lady, this is going to be really tall."  I replied, "Oh, I know."  HA - understatement!

They left and I burst into hysterial laughter. Yep, it's tall alright!
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The top of the mattress comes to my HIPS and rises above the footboard. Notice, the nightside table, it comes to the bottom of the mattress.  But, I love it. Oh my, it has about 6 inches of foam on top and I feel like a princess.  Keith says its like having a table in the room because it's so tall.

So that's our adventure this week.
